Property exposures are not supported by RISK66. Losses from Property exposure tend to vary significantly by property type, property location, and peril (hurricane, wind, fire, earthquake, etc). Furthermore, Loss Forecaster does not have benchmark LDFs available for Property as their development patterns typically do not have much if any tail beyond 36 months and often have very little development beyond the initial assessment of loss. For these reasons, Property is currently beyond the scope of RISK66.
Our actuarial firm, SIGMA, does provide Property risk analyses and would be able to help produce a loss projection analysis. Depending upon the data available and complexity of the scope, a typical SIGMA Property analysis requires 1-3 weeks to complete. We do have access to LDFs for Property based upon data compiled internally. In addition, we can provide projections for multiple layers, considering both per occurrence and aggregate loss limits.
If you would like to have a conversation with one of our credentialed actuaries regarding a property loss analysis, complete our "Start a Project" form or contact Support@SIGMAactuary.
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