- How do I copy a forecast in Loss Forecaster?
- How do I import an Excel file to Loss Forecaster?
- How do I share a Loss Forecaster file in RISK66? How do I share an entire client (folder) in RISK66?
- How do I convert a Loss Projection into a Reserve Analysis?
- How do I export a Loss Forecaster file to Excel?
- What is a Loss Projection?
- What is a Reserve Analysis?
- Does Loss Forecaster limit development on individual claims that have exceeded the retention/loss limit?
- How is IBNR accounted for in Loss Forecaster?
- How do loss projections using the same data but different loss limits produce the same results?
- Is there a specific industry accepted reason that the Confidence Interval defaults to a factor between 60%-65%?
- Where in the calculation does the Excess of Threshold Data impact the calculation?
- How can I add a custom logo to my Loss Forecaster and LORAN reports?
- How are the confidence intervals computed?
- What are the benefits of Loss Forecaster?
- How often are the Loss Development Factors updated?
- Who uses Loss Forecaster? What calculations does it perform?
- What lines of coverage are available in Loss Forecaster?